Embroidery WA


Embroi­dery WA has made sub­stan­tial increases in both fac­tory and show­room size & we can now say with cer­tainty that we offer the widest range of cor­po­rate, indus­trial, pro­mo­tional and leisure cloth­ing in West­ern Aus­tralia. We also have an exten­sive pro­mo­tional prod­ucts sec­tion, offer­ing the lat­est prod­ucts to help boost your brand.

With our show­room & embroi­dery machines accom­mo­dated in the same build­ing we are able to provide:

  • An enor­mous range of cloth­ing, avail­able to be embroi­dered with your com­pany logo.
  • Staff avail­able to dis­cuss and digi­tise your logo.
  • An embroi­dery fac­tory capa­ble of com­plet­ing jobs in a quick turn­around time.
  • Being both sup­plier and embroi­derer you are assured of com­pet­i­tive pric­ing at all times.